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2003 Canadian Eventing Talent Squad Named

Source :  Equine Canada

Canadian Eventing has named its Talent Squad for 2003. The riders selected have demonstrated, by their performance results, achievement of a top third placing in an international one star three day event, or the completion of a two star international three day event during the 2002 competitive season.

Members of the 2003 Talent Squad are as follows:

Rider Horse Qualifying Event
Jenna Brownjohn, BC Cosmo Kramer Chase Creek CCI*
Andrina Calder, ON Herz Prince Bromont CCIY* & Morven CCI*
Kyle Carter, AB Colombo Radnor CCI**
Kassia Dorosh, BC Captain Chaos Chase Creek CCI**
Vanessa Fenwick, ON Thais Camino Real CCI*
Jessica Ferguson, ON Little Joe Radnor CCI**
Sarah Green, AB Aramis Chase Creek CCI*
Ashley Harris, BC Baylee Galaway CCI*
Jennifer Holling, VI Three Sheets Camino Real CCI**
Chelan Kozak, BC Rhodes Scholar Chase Creek CCI**
Teagan Lillies, BC C.S. Cappuccino Chase Creek CCI**
Jennifer Irwin, ON News Flash Radnor CCI**
Barbara Marks, BC Pacific Paragon Chase Creek CCI*
Jennifer Miller, AZ Cheers Galaway CCI*
Michele Mueller, ON Cheevos Regale Lexington CCI*
Anita Nemtin, ON Newton Radnor CCI**
Tracey Newman, ON Shermatic Bromont CCI*
Trish Newton, ON Cowboy Charm Radnor CCI**
Siobhan O’Connor, ON Flying Advance Radnor CCI**
Lindsay Pearce, ON Sexy Date Lexington CCI*
Suzy Pettman, BC Sambucca Radnor CCI**
Manuela Propfe, AZ Pennywheels Camino Real CCI*
Walter Reynolds, MD Stonehenge Bromont CCI**
Lehana Rowland, BC Upolu Radnor CCI**
Wendy Southam, ON Ruba Z Lexington CCI*
Jacquie Sturm, ON T’Jean Radnor CCI**
Pascale Tremblay Wagner, QC Fliper des Rollees NAYRC’s CHY- **
Maggie Turner, ON Great Expectations Lexington CCI*

Eventing encompass three separate tests: dressage, cross-country, and jumping held consecutively. Each is scored individually but added together for the final results. The rider with the fewest number of penalty points over the three tests wins the competition.

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